Backgammon - Narde - Нарды game Приложения

English words PRO 1.0
Only 15 minutes in a day and you will get 2000words! Write, listen, learn!Only 15 minutes in a dayand you will get 2000 words! Write, Listen, Learn!
Английский язык Полиглот 2015 1.0
Правила просты! Знаешь слово +1, не знаешь -1.Всего 15 минут в день и вы увеличите свой словарный запас до 2000слов, что позволит вам свободно общаться на английском!The rules are simple! Youknow one word, do not know 1. Just 15 minutes a day and you willincrease your vocabulary up to 2000 words, which will allow you tocommunicate in English!
pou-pou-pou 1.1
The best and funny game!
English language 2000 words 1.0
You can learn by your mistakes and takeyourprogress by right answers!Open the next lesson everyday and improve your progressinEnglish
Backgammon 1.0
Backgammon is a game of skill and strategy andone of the world's classic parlour games, played for recreation andas a gambling game. Like Mahjong, this is a game that is played insocial groups in coffee houses and bars. Historically variants ofthis game are believed to have originated in Egypt over 3000 yearsago, but was picked up by the Romans and then later to India. Italso spread to east Asia, but was then largely replaced by Xiangqi(Chinese chess). It is now very popular in the west.
Durak card game 1.0.4
Durak is undoubtedly the most popular cardgame in Russia. It would hardly be an exaggeration to say thatevery Russian who plays cards knows this game. "Durak" means fool,the fool in this game being the loser - the player who is left withcards after everyone else has run out. The game described on thispage is properly called "Podkidnoy Durak", which means "fool withthrowing in". This name refers to the fact that after an attack isbegun, it can be continued by "throwing in" further cards whoseranks match those already played. It is probably the best-knownform of Durak in Russia. The same game is played in Poland underthe name Dureń (fool) and in several other East Europeancountries.